Product Summary
GPS-Aided Inertial Navigation Systems (INS)

LiDAR Remote Sensing Payload Instrument (RESEPI)

Inertial Measurement Units (IMU)

Motion Reference Units (MRU)

The Inertial Labs has developed Motion Reference Units (MRU) to meet requirements from marine and hydrographic applications. MRU is an enhanced, high-performance, IP-67 sealed strapdown Motion Sensor that determines Pitch & Roll, Heave, Sway, Surge, acceleration, Angular rates, Heading, Velocity, and Positions for any device on which it is mounted.

Wave Sensors (WS)

Attitude and Heading Reference Systems (AHRS)

Railway Motion Control Unit (RMCU)

Two and Three Axis Gyroscopes (TAG)

Three Axis Accelerometers (TAA)
The Inertial Labs MEMS TAA-308, TAA-315 and TAA-340 are the third generation of the Inertial Labs MEMS, three-axis high-precision accelerometers released in a stand-alone design. The TAA-308, TAA-315 and TAA-340 are revolutionary, compact, self-contained, strapdown, Navigation-grade Accelerometers that measure linear accelerations with high precision due to their unique design and developed by Inertial Labs over last 20 years several significant know-know and technics in calibrations of inertial sensors.

Digital 3D Orientation and Tilt Sensors (DTS)

Weapon Orientation Modules (WOM)

Trademark Legal Notice: All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All company, product, and service names used in this document are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement. ABS, BeiDou, Cobham Limited, EdgeTech, Galileo, GLONASS, GPS, Hexagon, HYPACK, IMAGENEX, Kongsberg Seatex, LabVIEW, Livox, Norbit, NovAtel, NovAtel Inertial Explorer, Ouster, Qinsy, Quanergy, QZSS, R2Sonic, RIEGL, ROS, Septentrio, Ship Motion Control SMC, Teledyne TSS, u-blox, Velodyne, WAASP, Waypoint.